Thursday, February 13, 2014

10 Dress Sizes Later

Tis the day before lovebirds profess to each other how much they care. I took Valentine's Day off and it just so happens Monday is President's Day so I now have a four-day weekend lined up. Exciting things are in store for me, OK maybe only sleeping in and staying in my pajamas all day but those are exciting things too. I wanted to show my Valentine's Day spirit and wear something "Sweetheart-ish" so I decided on my color-block dress from Lane Bryant. I purchased this dress many moons ago before my weight loss and it is TWO, FOURSIX sizes too big, I even bought a dress today and it is TEN sizes smaller than the dress below; GO ME! (P.S. If someone from Lane Bryant ever reads this, please hook me up with a new wardrobe. I am thrilled with my weight loss but my wallet isn't thrilled with wardrobe prices!) With that being said I used my fuschia waist tie, that I tie so tight I can barely breathe just so my dress doesn't hang on me, around my waist to accentuate my smaller waist line. It creates a nice, sweet bow in the back. I paired this tie with my charcoal and purple blocked dress.
My photo was taken with my phone so please excuse the quality. 
As I have developed into a young professional I have cut back on a lot of the chunky, stylish jewelry and went for modest pieces, but since it is Valentine's Day I splurged and paired my fuschia headband (which added a little sweetheart innocence) with the waist tie and wrapped it all together. To add the finishing touch I wore my Madeline Stuart 4.5-inch nude Platform Mary Janes
I even curled my hair; I was on fire this morning! This outfit reminded me of the sweetheart candies you get only at Valentine's Day because they're so terrible no one ever wants to eat them. They're the fruit cake of Valentine's Day and if you beg to differ please humor me in the comments section. 

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