Monday, February 10, 2014

Expectation vs. Reality

Expectation (n.) - the belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. 
Reality (n.) - the state of things as they actually exist; as opposed to an idealistic viewpoint. 

Nick and I have really been on a Shake-N-Bake kick and it only took us three weeks to stumble across the idea of baking a few breasts, slicing them up and tossing them on a salad to have a delicious lunch. For a great Sunday lunch Nick got out the chicken and whipped up a few breasts baked to a golden perfection with that delicious crispy outer layer. 

A few blog posts ago I mentioned how I bought four bags of frozen cranberries for $2. We added some of those, made a base of lettuce and homemade bread-crumb croutons topped with a dollop of Ranch Dressing and dug in. 

With all of that being said I wanted to show how delicious the salads Nick fixed for us looked. It made me think back to an article that showed the depressing examples of reality foods versus expectational food. If you'd like to check that article out via College Humor be my guest. Simply click here and prepare to constantly be reminded of how crappy the foods we actually prepare are compared to their ads. 

Cranberry Chicken Salad
2 chicken breasts 
Shake N Bake box mix
1 cup fresh cranberries
1 head of iceberg lettuce 
1 cup of bread croutons 
2 tablespoons of Ranch Dressing 

Prepare the chicken as directed on the Shake N Bake box and shred once cooked. Wash the cranberries and lettuce. Mix together all ingredients, top with dressing and enjoy. 

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