1. What is your name, age and marital status?
Jennifer / 24 / In A Relationship
2. Do you have or want children?
I want children.
3.What is your living situation?
I live with my boyfriend.
4.What are you afraid of?
Marrying someone and not really knowing who they are or that
they’ve changed/lied.
5. Describe your relationship with your parents?
Dad: We are slowly becoming closer, we were never too
distant, but with age and life experiences we’re getting closer again.
Mom: She is my best friend and mother. What more could a
young woman ask for? She is amazing and wonderful!
6.What 5 superficial things make you the most happy right
Home décor, dresses, going out with my boyfriend, heels and
7.What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
The hardest thing is that my parents struggle and I can’t
help them enough financially like I wish.
8.What is your dream job?
Teaching while being a plus-size fashion freelancer.
9. What is your pet peeve?
Too many: when people rattle chip bags loudly without
respect for others, stingy people, those who don’t care for others, negative
people and many more but that is all that I can think of that disturbs me the
most at this point in my life.
10. What is your most embarrassing moment?
When I was in the 4th or 5th grade I was at a basketball
game and ran smack dab into a ref. I am still embarrassed to this day about
that. I even remember who I was with that night. I went to the restroom and
didn’t come out the rest of the game.
11. What are you good at that people would never guess?
I may not look like I am very active, but I am. I recently
lost around 100 pounds and I am still on my way; I workout 5-7 times a week!
12. Share a memory from your childhood?
The first one that comes to mind is sitting with our cat Casper while my mom took
a photo for the local newspaper.
13. If you could have one superpower what would it be?
Live under the ocean; I am obsessed with the ocean and water
in general.
14. If you could have dinner with 3 celebrities dead or
alive who would they be?
John F. Kennedy, Lauren Conrad and Ray Romano
15. What is your favorite part of your body?
My bottom.
16. What is your love language?
I show love and affection by my actions. I do things I know
people like because I know it makes them happy; I want to make them happy
because I love them.
17. What do you think people misunderstand most about you?
The way I say things isn’t always the best. I have a
tendency to word things wrong.
18. What was the last movie that disturbed/moved/thrilled
you and why?
The Other Woman because it really opened my eyes to
something I never would have wanted to think about and hopefully never will
have to think about.
19. What was your favorite TV show as a kid?
As a kid it would probably be Rugrats.
20. 3 main characters from your favorite TV show
as an adult?
My favorite TV Shows vary so I will give the top three from
my top three shows recently.
Loves Raymond – Ray, Frank and Marie
The Office –
Pam, Jim and Michael
Parks and Rec – Tom, Ron and Leslie
21. What is your favorite item of clothing?
Dresses; that’s all I need to say.
22. What did you want to be when you were little?
23. If Ben & Jerry’s was going to name an ice cream
flavor after you what would it be?
Crimson Blush
24. When was the last time you cried laughing and why?
It was a picture Nick sent me but I can’t share on here.
25. What do you look for in a partner?
Protection, drive and compassion… The list goes on. But yeah,
I pretty much lucked out and found an awesome man who entails everything I look
26. What is something you are proud of?
I am proud of the fact I graduated from a university with
two degrees, landed an awesome job and moved away and started my life when I was
18-years-old. I was so young!
27. What is something you aren’t so proud of?
Some of my past actions.
28. Do you lead with your head or with your heart?
29. Hit Shuffle On Your Ipod/MP3 Player Name The First 5
Future Leaders of the World – Let Me Out
Rick Ross featuring Nicki Minaj – You the Boss
Will to Power – Baby I Love Your Ways
Katy Perry – Teenage Dream
John Mayer – Queen of California
30. Share a secret:
If I share the secret, it is no longer a secret.
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