Saturday, February 22, 2014

Save Money Now

If you know me, you know I am a HUGE fan of Harris Teeter. Each week I check their specials and can guarantee they'll have something I need at a steep discount. This week their e-VIC deal for my household consisted of milk for $2.87. You can read about my stipulations regarding milk and cash back here. So as sure as the sun sets Nick and I made our trip to grab two gallons along with a few other items today.

I have listed a few items below that I found to be a great deal as opposed to Wal*Mart. I thought about matching Harris Teeter, Publix and Wal*Mart prices and if you would like too see that please comment below and I will start doing that. 

1. Harris Teeter brand milk for $2.87. The same gallon of milk at Wal*Mart would cost $3.50+
2. Halos, which are awesome clementines that I LOVE to eat with my breakfasts, are $5.49 at Harris Teeter as opposed to $6+ at Wal*Mart.
3. Sub sandwiches are a steal at Harris Teeter. I am convinced that they don't measure their meat portions out, resulting in receiving a lot of meat on your sandwich. Now, I can't vouch for Wal*Mart's sub sandwiches but I can say that they taste a lot better than Subway! For a footlong (which I also promise seems larger than Subway's footlong) rings in at only $4.99 for any type. The cheapest footlong at Subway is $5 and that is a selected few starting at that price.

Now, for the REAL STEAL! Harris Teeter has this Meal Deal special each week. The Meal Deal allows you to get multiple items which enable you to make a meal for a deal. Below is the Meal Deal for this week which Nick and I did purchase.
This meal includes five items:
1. Bertolli Pasta (your choice) - Regular $8.49  | Meal Deal Price $4.40
2. Alexia Rolls/Garlic Bread   - Regular $3.65  | Meal Deal Price $1.89
3. Harris Teeter Frozen Veg.  - Regular $1.65  | Meal Deal Price $0.79
4. Coca-Cola (Diet of course) - Regular $1.99  | Meal Deal Price $1.03
5. Bertolli Dessert (Tiramisu) - Regular $3.49  | Meal Deal Price $1.81
                                           = Total $19.27   |             = Total $9.92 

1 gallon milk - $2.87 vs $3.50+
Bag of Halos - $5.49 vs $6+
12" Sub        - $4.99 vs $5+
Meal Deal     - $19.27 vs $9.92

Happy saving!

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